Final review of Networked Learning Project: Window Farm

Here it is, the final review of my networked learning project. We all have come a long way in researching our individual topics.  Many resources have been used and re-purposed in order for us to come as close as we can to our goal.  This was not a easy task, and the road to progress is filled with pot holes and speed bumps, but any progress made is a amazing feet.  Check out my video below where I walk about the road I traveled and where I ended up.


One thought on “Final review of Networked Learning Project: Window Farm

  1. Nice job Jon, this is done so well, someone could use this video to create their own window farm. Do you have any ideas of what you want to grow? I wonder if you could grow asparagus. That is something I like but getting it fresh is very limited. I am sure any veggies you grow will be awesome for the mere fact they will be fresh, really nice product. This would be so awesome for schools in the city to create and even be able to take home and use. This is a great learning project.
    I really appreciate all of your creativity, I did not get the chance to work with you this year but hopefully we will get the opportunity to combine our ideas next year in the program.
    Have a super year as you implement all your ideas in the year ahead.

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